Balancing Spa pH Levels

Managing pH and total alkalinity levels are essential for achieving optimum spa water chemistry balance. Correct spa water pH levels keep your bathers safe, and prevent cloudiness and scale deposits. In this guide we'll outline how you can do this to keep your spa water pH levels between the ideal range.

The Importance of Spa Water pH

On the Spa water pH scale, 7 is perfectly neutral water. pH Levels lower than 7 are more acidic, and those higher than 7 are more basic. If you water pH varies too far on either side of 7, you can experience potentially water for your bathers or damaging water for your spa equipment.

When Spa Water pH is Too Low

Highly acidic water (pH levels lower than 7) reduce the effectiveness of our Spa Sanitiser. Lower Ph levels also mean you are running the risk of exposing your bathers to harmful bacteria. Lower Ph levels can also be damaging to your spa hardware.

With acidic water (low pH), we add acids to lower the pH level.

When Spa Water pH is Too High

High Spa water Ph levels are not ideal either and will lead to problems. You will experience water that is not adequately sanitised and this can lead to unsafe bacteria levels and calcium build up in the surfaces of your spa and cloudy water.

With basic water (high pH), we add alkaline chemicals to increase the pH level.

Monitoring Total Alkalinity

Total alkalinity (TA) is a measure of concentrated alkaline substances dissolved in the Spa water. We need to measure and adjust TA levels before we tackle pH levels because total alkalinity contributes to keeping pH levels stable.

The reason we measure and adjust TA levels before we tackle pH levels is that total alkalinity contributes to keeping pH levels stable.

The ideal total alkalinity measure is between 100 and 150 parts per million (ppm). If it's outside this range, add alkalinity increaser in small doses to move the TA into the optimal range, which can often correct the waters pH level as well.

Just remember that adjusting pH (increasing or decreasing will most likely also affect total alkalinity. So it's a balancing act.

Maintaining Balanced Spa Water pH Levels Prevents Water Balance Issues

If you find your spa water pH is all over place, the simplest solution can be to drain your spa water and start fresh. If you choose the option it's a good idea to run pipe cleaner through your spa the day before you drain the water. This will clean your spas pipes and eliminate contaminants that can negatively affect your water chemistry. It's also a good idea to clean your spa shell and filters during this process.

Remember also to use a hose filter when topping up your spa water (or refilling it). Hose filters keep metals and other contaminants out of the water in the first place.


Maintaining optimum water balance and clean pipes and filters will pay off over and over again. You can head off most chemistry problems that an wreak havoc on your bathers and your spa equipment.

Also it is best practice to change the spa water completely at least every three or four months. This will prevent having to struggle to to balance poorly balance water in the first place.

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